Hotel Dubrovnik

Your hotel in the heart of Zagreb

Ljudevita Gaja 1, PP 246, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 4863 555
reservations:+385 1 4863 500
seminars/congresses:+385 1 4863 504
group reservations:+385 1 4863 505
marketing:+385 1 4863 909

Is Zagreb, Croatia safe for tourists 2024?

Is Zagreb, Croatia safe for tourists?



How safe is Zagreb for tourists visiting this beautiful city? 




There is one important fact in life, and this how safe someone feels in their surrounding. 



Zagreb is so safe that even the locals forget how safe it is.



This fact is taken for granted, but it happens to all of us.



If you want to read How Safe is Croatia? Check it out here.



A European country considered a hidden gem, Croatia's capital and largest city is Zagreb.



The population of this beautiful city is estimated at 1,000,000, with streets and buildings. 



In addition to the 1,500,000 tourists, it also attracts people wanting to explore the culture and traditions of the city and country that is famous for tourist destinations.



Zagreb's Upper Town and Lower Town, both of which have great restaurants and museums.


They are as well one of the safest locations in Zagreb, Croatia.



Tourists are generally safe in these places.



Criminal activity in Zagreb is rather rare, especially when it comes to serious crimes or anything other than petty theft.



The crime rate is low.



In contrast to other major cities and European cities, Zagreb is a very safe Croatian city.



The city center is a safe area as well.



Zagreb is generally a safe city, where violent crime is rare.



There might be non-serious ones like theft or pickpocketing are the most common crime types.



Croatian travelers should exercise normal safety precautions when it comes to pickpockets' risk.



Taxis and public transportation are safe in Zagreb and Croatia.



In regards to taxis, you'll find them all in tourist areas. 



Croatia is statistically safer than both the UK and the US, resulting in a country ranked 19th in the world for safety.



In Europe there are a lot of scammers on the streets, especially in big cities.



Unlike Budapest and some other cities in nearby countries, Zagreb is not famous for striptease/table dance clubs.



We recommend to avoid strip clubs in Zagreb.



You will certainly find better things to do.