Hotel Dubrovnik

Your hotel in the heart of Zagreb

Ljudevita Gaja 1, PP 246, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 4863 555
reservations:+385 1 4863 500
seminars/congresses:+385 1 4863 504
group reservations:+385 1 4863 505
marketing:+385 1 4863 909
Is Croatia Safe

How Safe is Croatia 2024?



Before traveling to Croatia, the question is " Is Croatia safe?".


How safe is Croatia? 


One of the main reasons people list as to why the lifestyle in Croatia is superior to other countries is safety.


Is Croatia Safe country for Travelers?


Generally, the answer is a resounding yes.


If you want to see How Safe is Zagreb, check it out.


Croatia is 2nd in Europe for people feeling safe walking the streets alone at night


Is Croatia Safe to Visit?


While there are certainly things you should be aware of, which we'll cover below, Croatia has a relatively low travel advisory level.


Croatia even ranks #26 on the Global Peace Index.


Is Croatia Safe for Travel?


Croatia is very safe for travelers in terms of crime rate, which is quite rare in the country.


Croatia has been ranked among the top 10 most peaceful nations.


A good indicator of whether a country is safe is how safe its citizens feel when they walk alone on the streets at nighttime.


A new survey has revealed that Croatia ranks high in Europe when it comes to people’s sense of safety walking home late at night.


Walking by yourself on the street at night doesn't necessarily mean there's any kind of problem going on, but it gives us an idea of how safe we feel walking down our own city streets. 


Croatia among highest score in Europe.


What are the best ways to avoid pickpockets in Croatia?


Avoid dangers in Croatia by steering clear of certain parks at night, forgoing Zagreb's shady strip clubs, staying away from political demonstrations, and doing all you can to thwart pickpockets wherever you go.



What are the most common travel hazards in Croatia?

Beware of untrustworthy taxi drivers, as well as thieves who target travelers on trains and buses.



What are the precautions you should take?

As in most popular tourist destinations, pickpocketing and petty theft are common, so make sure to take the normal precautions.

This includes keeping your wallet and phone in your front pocket and investing in a slash-resistant purse or backpack.



Is there any safety advice for the trip?

If you're in doubt, you can always ask locals for safety advice.



What are the most common bar and nightclub scams in Croatia?

Violent fights can happen, as are scams that involve overcharging tourists for drinks.



What are the risks of travelling to Croatia?

Crime and terrorism are both relatively low in Croatia.



Can I be pickpocketed in Croatia?

Petty Theft and Scams in Croatia as with most popular destinations in Europe.

Pickpocketing and petty theft can occur in Croatia.



What Should I Do If My Items Are stolen?

While the threat of being pickpocketed in Croatia isn't as high as in Italy or Spain.

We still recommend bringing along a slash-proof bag anti-theft backpack.

This will help you keep expensive items stowed away, and being aware of your general vicinity.



What are the safety tips for visiting Croatia?

Safety Tip #1 – Buy travel insurance While not mandatory to visit Croatia, purchasing travel insurance for your trip is a smart idea.



What are the benefits of travel insurance?

If you have coverage and suffer a covered loss, travel insurance could save you a ton of money (and give you peace of mind) in case of a COVID-19 infection, travel interruptions, loss of personal items, injury, and so much more.